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What people are saying 


Good way to catch up on the latest research in neonatology. Thank you for putting this together.


This is the podcast neonatologists and other neonatal health care providers have been waiting for! A place to learn about the latest NICU research and innovation. And STORIES. So glad it’s being done..


Such a great podcast. The journal clubs are great, and the interviews are always interesting

What people are saying 

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 Listen to the latest episodes

Ben and Daphna review the latest research in neonatology on the latest episode of Journal Club
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Check out our latest conversation with Dr. Robin Steinhorn
Dr. Martin joins The Incubator to discuss the role of Fatty Acids in neonatal nutrition
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Un nouvel episode de Journal Club est disponible a l'écoute !
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Special Lecture from Pr Huang from China on Circulatory Compromise in Preterm Infants
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